Writing Exercise #25

Clearing The Mind ~ B

Glass Jar Exercise:

  • Sit in a comfortable position, back straight, hands in lap
  • Close your eyes
  • Take a slow breath in and release it
  • Take five more such breaths, feeling your body relax a little more with each one
  • Turn your attention to any thoughts or images that come into your mind… just notice them… What are they about? … What are they like?
  • Now imagine that you put all these thoughts and images into a glass jar and watch them…
  • Turn the jar over, so you can see the thoughts and images from various perspectives… Are they different shapes and colours? … What do they do as you watch them? …
  • As more thoughts and images come into your mind, put them into the jar too, and see what you can learn about them…
  • Now take the jar and pour out the thoughts and images…
  • Watch as they pour out and disappear, leaving the jar empty…
  • Return your attention to your breathing, and count your breaths backwards from 10 to 1.
  • Slowly become aware of your surroundings… outside noises, sounds in the room, where you’re sitting in relation to the furniture and other people in the room…
  • When you’re ready, open your eyes

This Writing Exercise relates to my Blogs ~ The Writing Zone and ~ Mindful Writing, Writing Exercise #24 ~ Clearing The Mind and Writing Tip #23.

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